To fill a shape with color in Photoshop, you can use the tools of the color wheel. The colors that are most commonly used to fill shapes in Photoshop are yellow, green, blue, and purple.

There are a few ways to fill custom shapes in Photoshop. One way is to use the “custom shape” tool. This tool allows you to create a custom shape by selecting a shape from the Shape Gallery and then pressing the “fill” button. Another way is to use the “shape selection” tool. This tool allows you to select a shape from the Shape Gallery, and then press the “shape selection” button.

There are a few ways to fill a shape in Photoshop 2020. You can use the Fill tool, the Channel tool, or the Stroke tool.

There are a few ways to fill an area in Photoshop. One way is to use the Selection tool and drag the cursor over the area you want to fill. Another way is to use the Layers palette and select the layer you want to fill.

There are many ways to fill a shape. You can use a shape tool, or use a feature of the software to fill it in.

There are a few ways to fill a shape with color. One way is to use a color wheel. Another way is to use a gradient.

There are a few ways to fill an area in Photoshop with an image. One way is to use the Image menu and select Fill. Another way is to click on the image and then use the arrow keys to choose a fill color.

To use the paint bucket tool in Photoshop, you first need to select it from the Tools menu. Then, you can use the Bucket tool to fill in the area that you want to paint with color.

There are a few ways to fill a shape in Photoshop 2022. One way is to use the Fill tool. To use the Fill tool, first, select the shape you want to fill and then press the F5 key. The Fill tool will create a color fill around the selected shape. You can also use the Stroke tool to fill a shape. To use the Stroke tool, first, select the shape you want to fill and then press the S key.

In Photoshop, the fill tool is located in the Tools panel.

There are a few ways to fill color in an image. One way is to use a color management program like Adobe Photoshop or Illustrator. Another way is to use a photo editor like Adobe Camera Raw or PhotoShop.

You can fill a selection by dragging and dropping items from the list into the field.

To color a specific area in Photoshop, use the following steps:Choose the area to be colored.Choose the color you want to use.Click on the color wheel to choose a color that is complementary to the color you’ve chosen for the area.Click on OK to close Photoshop and start coloring!