How To Find The Best Instagram Influencers for Your Business

Instagram influencers are hugely appealing to brands of all sizes. From brand new businesses through to major enterprises, everyone wants to piece of the people who have direct contact with their prospects. But a quick Google of ‘Influencer Marketing Reviews’ will show an equal mix of success and horror stories. Here is a quick and simple guide to identifying the best influencers for your brand, at the stage of business you are in.


You’ve identified a long list of potential talent. This usually comes about through an online search, recommendations from people in the office and contacts in the industry and good old-fashioned stumbling around aimlessly on Facebook and Instagram. It wasn’t long ago that this was the best you could hope for, but the influencer sector has become more sophisticated and because of this, any influencer of substance will have,

A media pack References

The media pack should contain examples of previous campaigns and tangible results, communicated by clients who are so happy they’d be willing to share a kidney with the influencer if it was needed. These are also the people that should be made available for you to talk to. In this meeting, you can ask the types of prospects that were brought in, the client’s perception of the influence held over the prospects by the influencer (did they prompt a purchase) and the analytical outcomes – leads generated, website hits increased, revenue directly attributed.

Relevance of Audience and Content

When looking at potential influencers, look beyond engagement and comments. Think of your existing branding and consider whether the content – and other clients – represent your brand properly. Now, look at, not only the followers but also the followers that engage most often. Pay close attention to the types of comments they make and bring that into your decision-making process.

The Offer Itself

Finally, when negotiating with a professional influencer you should have some idea as to how many posts you want, the style of those posts and expected returns over time. Importantly, many influencers like to try and sell single posts for a certain, usually reasonable, fee. But, unless you’re talking to Kim Kardashian who literally influences the buying decisions of her audience directly with a single post, it’s unlikely you’re dealing with someone who has the leverage with their audience to make a single post matter. Instead, go for a series, of posts spread out over an extended period of time. Experiment with different purchase journeys in each post and work with the influencer to improve the response every time. Out-of-the-box strategies guide 9 growth strategies to skyrocket your Instagram
Working with influencers can be just as frustrated for them as it is for you. Everyone wants to get a good result, and it can help if you know that result up front and are as transparent as possible. Remember, they want to do everything they can to get the job done so put them in a position where they feel empowered to do just that, and yourself in a position where you’re working with the right people.  


Based in Brisbane, Australia, Rhys is the go to ecommerce guru on the Plann Marketing team. An avid student of what works and what doesn’t when it comes to promoting a product, he loves trying out the latest tools and apps trying to understand what makes them tick. He also geeks out over marketing science and test and measures everything. Featured in Maxim Magazine, Arianna Huffington’s Thrive Global, Lifehack, Medium and others. Rhys is the Author of three books with three thousand more in his creative brain. Oh and he’s also a massive Mental Health Advocate! Check out more of his things and stuff @rhys.knightglobal