There are a few things you can do to try and stop your car windows from squeaking. One is to lubricate the hinges and tracks with a lubricant. You can also try using a window regulator that has a noise reduction feature. Finally, you can try using weather stripping or foam insulation around the window frame to reduce noise.

There are a few different things that could cause your car window to make a squeaking noise. One possibility is that the window regulator has gone bad, which can cause the window to move erratically and make a noise. Another possibility is that there is something stuck in the track of the window regulator, which can cause it to make a noise when it moves. If you think that your window regulator might be causing the noise, you can try cleaning it or replacing it.

There are a few ways to lubricate your car window. You can use a silicone lubricant, WD-40, or even cooking oil. Just be sure to apply the lubricant to the area around the window and not directly to the glass.

There are a few ways to lubricate your car window. You can use a silicone lubricant, WD-40, or even cooking oil. Just be sure to apply the lubricant to the area around the window and not directly to the glass.

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the best lubricant for windows will vary depending on the type of window and its construction. However, some popular lubricants that may be suitable for windows include silicone oil, petroleum jelly, and WD-40.

Silicone spray is not good for car windows. It can damage the window and streak the paint.

WD-40 is not silicone based.

WD-40 is a general-purpose cleaner and lubricant. It is not specifically designed to clean or lubricate rubber items. However, it is unlikely to cause any damage.

WD-40 is a great lubricant for many things, but it’s not recommended to use it on windows because it can damage the window coating. There are other, more specialized, window cleaning products that are specifically designed for this task.

One way to make it easier to open a window is to use a handle. Another way is to use a cordless window opener.