There could be a few reasons why your feed isn’t refreshing. One possibility is that you have too many friends or followers and the app can’t keep up. You can try refreshing your feed manually by pulling it down on the screen, or you can adjust your settings to show only the most recent posts.

There are a few ways to refresh your Instagram feed. You can either scroll all the way down and then back up, or you can use the three-finger swipe gesture on your iPhone.

There could be a number of reasons why Instagram is saying “can’t refresh the feed.” One possibility is that there is a problem with the app or your device. Another possibility is that there is a problem with your internet connection. A final possibility is that Instagram is experiencing server issues. If you’re having trouble with the app or your device, try updating to the latest version of Instagram or restarting your device.

There could be a few reasons why your feed isn’t loading on Instagram. One possibility is that you’re not connected to the internet. Another reason might be that Instagram is experiencing technical difficulties. If neither of those reasons seems to be the problem, you might want to try restarting your phone or reinstalling the app.

There are a few ways to tell if you’ve been blocked on Instagram. One is if you can’t see the person’s profile or posts, even if you are following them. Another way is if you try to send a direct message and it doesn’t go through.

There is no set answer to this question as it depends on the reason for the ban. Instagram may choose to ban someone for a specific amount of time, or indefinitely, depending on the violation.

There could be a number of reasons why Instagram is banning you. One possibility is that you’re violating the platform’s terms of service. Instagram has a number of rules that users must follow, such as not posting nudity or spamming other users. If you’re breaking these rules, you could be banned from the platform.Another possibility is that Instagram is simply overcapacity. The platform has been growing rapidly in recent years, and sometimes it struggles to keep up with demand.

There could be a few reasons why your Instagram says it couldn’t load activity. One possibility is that there’s a problem with your phone or internet connection. Another possibility is that there’s a problem with Instagram itself. If you’re having trouble loading Instagram, you can try restarting your phone or internet connection, or visiting the Instagram help center.

Instagram jail is a term used to describe the amount of time a user is blocked from the app after violating its terms of service. The length of Instagram jail can vary but is typically around 24 hours.

Yes, you can tell who blocked you on Instagram. If you try to follow someone who has blocked you, you’ll get a notification that says “This account is not following you.