Call it a byproduct of using it too much, overheating problem is far more prevalent than you think. It can trigger due to foreign stimuli or either of the software or hardware components are having a tough time coping with the bugs, viruses, malware, vulnerabilities, or simply hardware damage caused due to a physical drop or fall or due to a liquid damage. Although smartphones are fitted with a mechanism to control how much hot they can get without affecting any components, sometimes it is just not enough and the phone reaches critical temperature beyond which, it shows warnings and could damage the physical components simply by melting down the motherboard due to extreme temperature within the system which is something you should avoid and here’s how you can bring down the temperature if it goes up as well as prevent it from happening again.

How To Fix Teclast Overheating Problem – Troubleshooting Fix & Tips

Before we can dive in how to fix the overheating problem, let’s understand the basics of why it happens.

The thing is, it could be trigger due to overuse which is kinda thing nowadays as people are more into using their smartphones to do any and every task right from watching movies, past time, songs, calling, texting, working, etc. The first thing that adds to the increasing temperature is the physics where the battery is indulged in providing power to all the physical components which in collaboration with software components make things work. Since electrons are actually moving within the battery to produce power, they are generating heat and so are all the physical components that are moving and working.

This raises the internal temperature of the device gradually but when there’s too much work to do i.e. because there are too many apps running or there are a handful of battery-draining and power-hungry apps like games are running, this raises the power and resource requirement and heat is a by-product which is funneled out of the system through heatsink. But there is a specific temperature beyond which, either the heatsink becomes insufficient or inoperative and that is how you phones go into an extreme overheating problem which can even burn it or melt down the motherboard or any component on it. Here are a few ways you can bring down the temperature as well as ensure that it doesn’t happen again or ever.


This is something you could do irrespective of which problem you are facing because it is all-rounder and an effective technique to curb any temporary system glitch or failure or even bugs that might have occurred due to any unforeseen stimuli you posted or occurred causing the system to raise beyond its threshold temperature that could potentially harm system physically to the hardware components which is a big NO since it will surely bore a hole in your pockets.

Shut down all ‘running’ apps

Unless you did the first method, you wouldn’t need to do this method at first. To elaborate, there are apps running in the foreground as well as the background. AS we are talking about the overheating problem on Teclast smartphone, you need to know that too many apps running at the same time can cause the temperature to increase. This is where this method comes handy as you can simply drag down the temperature over time by closing all the active apps and give it a rest for a good 5 to 10 minutes.

Turn off Wi-Fi, NFC, Bluetooth, etc

The bottom line does not ever forget to turn off Wi-Fi or Bluetooth, NFC, GPS, or any other connectivity service once you are done with the work. This is because these services are battery-hungry and since you are already complaining about the increase in temperature of the device, these can act as a contributor to the problem and not as a solution so it is advisable to steer away from it simply by turning off any and all services like this.

Prevent your phone from suffocation

Heatsink or any other method used for heat dissipation is made up to do its work efficiency although it has its own limitation. However, suffocation caused by a phone case or cover or if it the device is boosting at its optimum speed generating ridiculous amount of heat just under light sunlight or a room which is hotter than usual such as a furnace (I don’t know why you would go there), etc, this can trigger the phone’s overheating problem to a great extent. The quick solution is to remove the phone cover or anything causing it to suffocate and preventing its ventilation and keep it aside to rest for a while.

Keep it on a dry & cool surface

To continue the last method I explained, you must keep the phone on a dry and probably cool surface. If you don’t have any cool surface, try keeping it near the window after blocking direct sunlight on it and this must do its job. Note that people might think using an ice pack can act as a great cool surface but its a know since the ice pack is way cool and can cause condensation within the device and that is when you phone would escape overheating problem but enter a potential liquid damage state since the moisture built-in can cause a lot of trouble if it hits any component sensitive to water.

Purge all types of cache memory

Next tip to consider whenever encountering any problem related to smartphones is clearing all types of cache files. You can install a third-party app called Avast Clean Up or any of its alternatives that you’ll find on Google Play Store which is easy to use and enable clearing all types of cache files at once. There are manual methods involved too such as to clear app cache, you need to tap on each downloaded app via Settings » Apps » Downloaded to clear app cache and data. Next is the storage cache which is fairly easy to delete as you need to proceed to Settings » Storage and you’ll find ‘Cache Storage’ right there. The last type of junk cache files is located in the cache partition which is accessible only via recovery mode that you’ll learn the procedure for in the latter ‘restore factory’ method.

The short burst usage

Depending upon the size of your Teclast smartphone, the battery could last from three hours all the way to five or six or even seven hours straight depending upon the usage which is called Screen-on-Time (SoT) while the overall duration that the battery is able to pull off which includes both usage and the duration till the battery drains complete is called standby duration. To raise both, a helpful solution is to practice using the phone in short burst i.e. using it for a while like ten to fifteen minutes and wait for some time before using for the said duration. Since this method allows you to use an app like a graphic-intensive game like PUBG or Fortnite with a break in-between matches or watching movie with breaks, this is an ideal method to keep the phone cool and the extent the battery life accordingly and since the phone is cool, it adds to the latter as well.

Update the system

The system comprises of pieces of software called apps and the firmware acts as a medium providing ease of interaction between the apps and the hardware components. You can not update hardware unless your phone is modular which isn’t a thing as of now or unless you have the required knowledge to do so but you can update the apps part without any hassle. For this, you will be needing updates via Google Play Store where developers upload their app updates every month or so. Then comes the firmware which receives updates yearly and i.e. just once or maybe twice depending upon which smartphone you are using so there nothing much to discuss it but you should update the firmware as well. Alternatives available if there are no firmware updates are ROM or backtrack to a previous stable Android firmware.

Use apps to bring down the temperature

Google Play Store is virtually filled with apps that can help do whatever you can wish for and that includes third-party apps that can bring down the temperature of the processor by some extent. These apps will close all the apps and services and will technically bring down the system’s temperature below the critical limit. You can try CPU Cooling Master, Phone Cooler, or Cooling Master, etc to fulfill this method and since it only takes a minute or so, you can continue your work on the device without any hassle.

Verify if the charger/battery is causing overheating

A lot of times we give up searching for the cause of Teclast overheating problem after repeating a number of methods to fix it such as the ones prescribed above. However, some of us might forget that a charger or a faulty battery can exhibit the same issues as well. This is because faulty or incompetent batteries or charger are problematic and thus, require scrutiny.

Perform a full-fledged factory reset

You tried everything but failed which is highly unlikely but let’s say it happen. What to do now? The answer is to simply perform a hard reset on the device that must do the job for you. Teclast users are required to turn off the devices and press power plus volume up buttons together to initiate the process through which, the system will boot into the recovery mode. Once you are there (remember to release the buttons once you spot an Android logo), you need volume rockers to scroll and power button to select ‘wipe data/factory reset’ and that must do the job.

Ask for professional’s help

Still can’t conclude what’s wrong? It’s time to visit a service center nearby and there you can get a professional’s help without any hassle. If the phone is in warranty, you can report it to an authorized service center where the warranty will be sustained while a third-party service center will be cheaper but will void the warranty as well.